Summer Heat, Mariame Kaba

Summer Heat by Mariame Kaba paints a harrowing picture of the daily realities faced by young people of color in the Mariame’s community. From routine harassment and illegal searches to outright police brutality, the article provides a searing indictment of the intractable problem of systemic racism in law enforcement.

Kaba doesn't mince words, arguing that the only solution is to abolish the police entirely. She outlines a bold 10-point plan for defunding, disarming, and ultimately dismantling the current criminal justice system - a system she says is not "broken" but functioning exactly as intended to uphold white supremacy.

This is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the lived experiences of marginalized communities and the urgent need for transformative change, not just incremental reforms. Kaba's voice is powerful, her analysis incisive, and her vision for a world without police both radical and necessary.


Mapping Police Violence