Reformist Reforms Vs. Abolitionist Steps
Resources Seena Mavaddat Resources Seena Mavaddat

Reformist Reforms Vs. Abolitionist Steps

A guide that breaks down the difference between reformist reforms, which continue or expand the reach of policing, and abolitionist steps that work to chip away and reduce its overall impact. As we struggle to decrease the power of policing there are also positive and pro-active investments we can make in community health and well-being.

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Advocacy Seena Mavaddat Advocacy Seena Mavaddat


Re: Opposition to Resolve S. 1851

Dear Chairpersons Gregoire, Pacheco, and Committee Members,

The Massachusetts Bail Fund pays up to $500 bail so that low-income people can stay free while they work towards resolving their case, allowing individuals, families, and communities to stay productive, together, and stable. Pre-trial freedom leads to better case and life outcomes. The Massachusetts Bail Fund is committed to the harm reduction of freeing individuals serving pre-trial sentences, and to abolishing pre-trial detention and supervision in the long-term.

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